2014年11月22日 星期六


Network Centric Warfare (NCW) is the buzzword of choice in current Defence Department rhetoric. There is little doubt that the introduction of NCW is the defining paradigm of this decade in military affairs, and inevitably, we should see this reflected in Australia. How well NCW is understood in Australia's DoD is, however, another matter entirely.

From a broad perspective the introduction of networking techniques into warfighting systems is the military equivalent of the digitisation and networking drive we observed in Western economies between 1985 and 1995. Military networking, especially between platforms, is far more challenging than industry networking due to the heavy reliance on wireless communications, high demand for security, and the need for resistance to hostile jamming. The demanding environmental requirements for military networking hardware are an issue in their own right. It should come thus as no surprise that the introduction of networking into military environments has proven more painful and more protracted than the industry experience of over a decade ago.
